Anger Management Treatment, in Spain or Online

Don’t let issues around anger ruin your life, relationships or your health…help is available, either face to face, or online via Skype, Zoom etc.

Becoming upset, in a healthy and controlled manner at certain events or situations is a completely normal and natural reaction. However, for a small number of people the sensation of being ‘upset’ sometimes rapidly escalates into a state of ‘anger’, occasionally becoming out of control, and then its effect is often devastating.

Where Anger Typically Comes From

People who have problems controlling their anger can often be observed suffering the effects of damaged relationships with both their partners and children. Their anger problem will usually have a negative effect on friendships and on their working environment too.

Anger Management

The problems with anger are not just limited to relationships; anger has also been shown to be damaging to the heart, especially in men. When you become angry, the pumping efficiency of the heart drops, often seriously, leading to arterial damage. So effective anger management is vital to maintain good health, and for these people, learning and using effective anger management techniques can be one of the most important emotional skills they ever learn.

From the American Psychological Association…

Everyone gets mad at times. The target of your anger might be a stranger, a loved one or even yourself. Or, you might find yourself furious over external events, such as a delayed flight or a political incident. While anger is a normal human emotion, misplaced or uncontrolled anger can quickly become problematic.

Psychologists, Therapists can help people recognize and avoid the triggers that make them angry. They can also provide ways to help them manage the inevitable anger that sometimes flares without warning.

anger management

Uncontrolled anger looks different from person to person. Some people are quietly seething at the world most of the time. Some can’t help but dwell on events that made them mad. Others have quick tempers and may even exhibit aggressive or violent behavior.

Uncontrolled anger can be hard to define. Unlike depression (which can be thought of as a dysfunctional form of sadness) or anxiety (a dysfunctional form of worry), uncontrolled anger doesn’t have a name or an official diagnosis.

anger management

Nevertheless, anger can be dysfunctional, and people who experience it often don’t realize how big a problem it is. That’s because in the short term, anger can be effective. Blowing up at your kids might seem like a good strategy if it results in them doing their chores. Losing your temper at work might feel productive if it gets your co-workers to do things your way.

Unfortunately, people often fail to see the long-term consequences of uncontrolled anger. Those can include health effects such as high blood pressure and increased risk of heart disease, as well as social disharmony among family members, friends, and work colleagues.

What is The Best Treatment for Anger Management?

We approach the treatment of Anger Management in two ways. Firstly, as is normal practice, we use CBT, incorporating our own unique upgraded version TCBT, often described as Pause Button Therapy. You can read a little more about the approach here. Many people are surprised to learn that we have perfected an approach that incorporates Clinical Hypnosis. To us it is often the treatment of choice when teaching Anger Management techniques and skills, because it works on the ‘same level’ as the anger itself. When you are extremely angry, you are in an emotional trance state, where the validity of other peoples’ opinions no longer applies. Just like in a dream, when you are angry you are able to hold bizarre opinions, which afterwards, can seem stupid, even to you. Yet at the time when you were feeling angry, they seemed to be perfectly logical.

Anger Management

Anger Management Treatment

Our triple therapy treatment uses a combination of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, NLP and Clinical Hypnotherapy, each underpinned with the other, to help you break out of the anger trance, and to stop anger ruining your relationships, and damaging your health. During the Anger Management sessions you will learn techniques which will enable you to gain the flexibility to remain calm and objective in the sort of situations that would previously have made you angry. As a result you will be able to create mutually beneficial outcomes. The PBT element of the therapy allows you to mentally pause time, to freeze the moment, whilst you really consider the consequences of the possible actions you are about to take…


During the early stages of the treatment with the client’s permission, we strive to schedule an interview session with a Significant Other (SO) person in the client’s life. This could be with a partner, a sibling, other family member, or even with a best friend of the client. The SO session is to assist us with establishing a personalised treatment protocol for each client. The SO interviews, there may be more than one, are vital to ensure that the treatment package meets the client’s individual requirements. They also reinforce and substantiate the information provided by the client, but from a completely different perspective. All treatment, whether face to face, or online, is provided on a strictly one-to-one basis, with complete confidentially guaranteed.

Online Treatment for Anger Management

Online CBT sessions

As you will read on other pages of this site, we have been helping people overcome a number of different problems for many years. Whist we continue to offer non-residential treatment in Spain, over the years we have invested a considerable amount of both time and finances creating a cutting edge and very successful distance treatment programme, using medias such as Zoom, FaceTime and Skype. Whilst these sessions can be taken individually, we also offer a full ‘Virtual Rehab’ package, providing multiple sessions each day, along with 24/7 support. In effect, this mirrors the Rehab experience, but from the comfort and security of your own home, and of course at a fraction of the normal costs. You can read more here.

During the extended lockdown period, we invested the time in writing, recording and editing the all new, fully downloadable, weight-loss treatment, My Weigh Less.

Contact us Contact Us

Should you have any additional questions regarding our treatment, feel free to drop us an email. We will be pleased to call you back for an information conversation.

Tel: +44 (0)20 3769 5692 or +34 951 311 591. Contact us by email here

National and International Home Visits – We continue to offer our unique range of treatment packages to clients around the world in their own homes. For details and prices please feel free to contact us, by phone or email.

Tel: +44 (0)20 3769 5692 or +34 951 311 591. Contact us by email here

Magazine Features

Martin and Marion Shirran on This Morning TV Show

Over the last fifteen years, we have been featured in just about every UK National Newspaper, and in hundreds of magazines, including titles such as Vogue, Marie Claire and Psychologies Magazine. We flew to New York, where our work was the subject of a news special on the Good Morning America TV show. We have also appeared in numerous UK shows. In July 2018, we were interviewed by Holly Willoughby and Philip Schofield on This Morning TV Show. You can read more in the News Section of this site.

During 2012, we signed a multi-title, international publishing contract with Hay House Publishing House in New York. Our books are available globally from Amazon.  Professor Philip Zimbardo, of Stanford University, in San Fransisco, wrote the foreword of the Pause Button Therapy book. The books were also endorsed by Professor Windy Dryden, of Goldsmiths University, London. Visit the Pause Button Therapy Website