Depression and Anxiety Therapy in Spain or Online
The following information is provided by the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
We all feel fed up, miserable or sad at times. These feelings don’t usually last longer than a week or two, and they don’t interfere too much with our lives. Sometimes there’s a reason, sometimes they just come out of the blue. We recently produced a dedicate web page asking the question, Does Obesity cause Depression or is it the other way around, you can read it here along with other dedicated pages.We usually cope with them ourselves. We may have a chat with a friend but don’t otherwise need any help. Someone is said to be significantly depressed, or suffering from depression, when:
- Their feelings of depression don’t go away quickly
- They are so bad that they interfere with their everyday life.
What Does it Feel Like to be Depressed?
The feeling of depression is much more powerful and unpleasant than the short episodes of unhappiness that we all experience from time to time. It goes on for much longer. It can last for months rather than days or weeks. Most people with depression will not have all the symptoms listed here, but most will have at least five or six.
- feel unhappy most of the time (but may feel a little better in the evenings)
- lose interest in life and can’t enjoy anything
- find it harder to make decisions
- can’t cope with things that you used to
- feel utterly tired
- feel restless and agitated
- lose appetite and weight (some people find they do the reverse and put on weight)
- take 1-2 hours to get off to sleep, and then wake up earlier than usual
- lose interest in sex
- lose your self-confidence
- feel useless, inadequate and hopeless
- avoid other people
- feel irritable
- feel worse at a particular time each day, usually in the morning
- Think of suicide.
We may not realise how depressed we are, because it has come on so gradually. We may be determined to struggle on and can blame ourselves for being lazy or feeble. Other people may need to persuade us that it is not a sign of weakness to seek help.
We may try to cope with our feelings of depression by being very busy. This can make us even more stressed and exhausted. We will often notice physical pains, constant headaches or sleeplessness. Sometimes these physical symptoms can be the first sign of a depression.
Why Do We Become Depressed or Anxious?
As in the everyday depression that we all experience from time to time, there will sometimes be an obvious reason for becoming depressed, sometimes not. There is usually more than one reason, and these are different for different people.
The reason may seem obvious. It can be a disappointment, frustration, losing something or someone important. Sometimes it isn’t clear why we feel depressed. We’re just ‘in a mood’, ‘have got the hump’, ‘feel blue,’ ‘got out of bed the wrong side’. We really don’t know why. Either way, these feelings can become so bad that we need help.
Isn’t depression just a form of weakness?
It can seem to other people that a person with depression has just ‘given in’, as if they have a choice in the matter. The fact is, there comes a point at which depression is much more like an illness than anything else. It can happen to the most determined of people, and calls for help, not criticism. It is not a sign of weakness – even powerful personalities can experience deep depression. Winston Churchill called it his ‘black dog’.
When should I seek help
When your feelings of depression are worse than usual, and don’t seem to get any better.
When your feelings of depression affect your work, interests and feelings towards your family and friends.
It may be enough to talk things over with a relative or friend, who may be able to help you through a bad patch in your life. If this doesn’t seem to help, you probably need to talk it over with your family doctor or a therapist/counsellor. You may find that your friends and family notice a difference in you and are worried about you.
How to Help Yourself:
- Don’t keep it to yourself
If you’ve had some bad news, or a major upset, try to tell someone close to you, and tell them how you feel. It often helps to go over the painful experience several times, to cry about it, and to talk things over with someone. This is part of the mind’s natural way of healing. - Do something
Get out of doors for some exercise, even if only for a walk. This will help you to keep physically fit, and you may sleep better. You may not feel able to work, but it is always good to try to keep active. This could be housework, do-it-yourself (even as little as changing a light bulb) or any part of your normal routine. It can help take your mind off painful thoughts which make you more depressed. - Eat well
Try to eat a good, balanced diet, even though you may not feel like eating. Fresh fruit and vegetables are particularly good. Depression can make you lose weight and run short of vitamins, which only makes matters worse. - Beware of alcohol!
Resist the temptation to drown your sorrows with a drink. Alcohol actually makes depression worse. It may make you feel better for a few hours, but will then make you feel worse again. Too much alcohol stops you from seeking the right help and from solving problems; it is also bad for your physical health. - Sleep
Try not to worry about finding it difficult to sleep. It can be helpful to listen to the radio or watch TV while you’re lying down and resting your body, even if you can’t sleep. If you can occupy your mind in this way, you may feel less anxious and find it easier to get off to sleep. - Tackle the cause
If you think you know what is behind your depression, it can help to write down the problem and then think of the things you could do to tackle it. Pick the best things to do and try them. - Keep hopeful
Remind yourself that: - you are suffering from an experience which many other people have gone through.
- you will eventually come out of it, although you may find it hard to believe at the time.
- depression can be a useful experience – you may come out of it stronger and better able to cope. It can help you to see situations and relationships more clearly.
- you may be able to make important decisions and changes in your life, which you were avoiding before.
How Can Elite Clinics Help your Depression or Anxiety?
At the Elite clinic our goal has always been for the treatment to end with the previously depressed person ready to move forward, to take control, and to become the true architect of their own life, a scenario that the clinic believes should be everyone’s birthright.
Our treatment incorporates, where appropriate, the blending of both Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Clinical Hypnotherapy, and has been used to demonstrate to clients how they can implement rapid positive change in their life. We aim to show people how they can quickly and permanently move from being sad to happy in their lives.
We accept that no one is born Depressed, or suffering from Anxiety often the trait has had to be painstakingly learned, just like the positive habits we learnt as children, such as being able to recite the alphabet, or tying our shoelaces. Any bad habit, or learned pattern of behaviour, can be changed, or “unlearned”, and in time, people can
quickly learn different, more beneficial ones instead.
We find clients visiting the clinic to undertake change in their lives for many different reasons; some because they are scared, or lonely, others believe they have reached a crossroads in their life and feel it is inevitable; some just wake up one morning and decide that they want more from life.
It is vital that potential clients are aware that Therapists and Counsellors are not medically qualified: it is recommended that clients seek the advice of their doctor ahead of completing a course of therapy.
During the first seven to ten days of the treatment package the clinic will strive to schedule an extensive interview session with a Significant Other (SO) person in the client’s life. This is to assist us with the establishing of a personalised treatment protocol for each client. The SO interviews, there may be more than one, are vital to ensure that the treatment package meets the client’s individual requirements, and will reinforce and substantiate the information provided by the client, but from a completely different perspective.
New clients always ask, “How many sessions will I need?” which, as you probably appreciate, is a question we cannot answer at the outset. As you may have read on other pages on this website, we provide our treatment both at the clinic, and very successfully, remotely by either Skype or Zoom. All sessions are completely one to one. Online sessions are available, subject to availability, either in the Mornings, Afternoons, or on selected Evenings.
Whilst sessions are available on an ad-hoc basis, the often preferred route is the completing our Non Residential Rehab Treatment. You can read more here. If, before moving forward, you would like to have a brief, informal chat with either Martin or Marion Shirran, our joint Clinical Directors, do contact the clinic and we will be pleased to arrange this for you.
For a completely free of charge and confidential initial consultation, phone Elite on 951 311 591 – Additional information about the clinic, us, and the therapies we use, can be found on the relevant pages of the website.
During the extended lock-down period Martin and Marion Shirran have invested the time in writing, recording and editing the all new fully downloadable weight lo
As you will read on other pages of this site, at Elite we have been helping people overcome a number of different problems for many years. Whist we continue to offer non-residential treatment at our clinic in Spain, over the years we have invested a considerable amount of both time and finances creating a cutting edge and very successful distance treatment programme, using Medias such as Zoom, Face Time and Skype. Whilst these sessions can be taken individually, we also offer a full ‘Virtual Rehab’ package, providing multiple sessions each day, along with 24/7 support, in effect mirroring the Rehab experience, but from the comfort and security of your own home, and of course at a fraction of the normal costs.
Recently, the media has been ‘busy’ informing anyone who was interested about the connection between losing weight and increasing the number of healthy years of life. This is a topic that we have always found to be very interesting. Consequently, we have two dedicated pages on our My Weigh Less website. Firstly: Can Reversing Obesity Extend Your Life? And also take a look at Lose Weight, Live Longer
Contact US. Should you have any additional questions regarding the treatment offered by the clinic do feel free to drop us an email, we will be pleased if requested to call you back for an information conversation –
Tel: 0034 951 311 591. Contact us by email here
National and International Home Visits – Since the first day of opening the clinic, Martin and Marion have offered their unique range of treatment packages to clients around the world in their own homes, for details, prices please feel free to contact the clinic direct by phone or email.
Tel: 0034 951 311 591. Contact us by email
Over the last fifteen years, Martin and Marion Shirran, the joint founders of the Elite Clinic have been featured in just about every UK National Newspaper, and in hundreds of magazines, including titles such as Vogue, Marie Claire and Psychologies Magazine. They were flown to New York where their work was the subject of a news special on the Good Morning America TV show. They have also appeared in numerous UK shows. Last year they were interviewed by Holly Willoughby and Philip Schofield on the This Morning TV Show. You can read more in the News Section of this site.
During 2012, Martin and Marion signed a Multi Title International publishing contract with the renown Hay House Publishing
House in New York. There first two , best selling books are available globally from Amazon. The forward of the Pause Button Therapy book was written by Professor Philip Zimbardo of Stanford University in Dan Fransisco. The books were also endorsed by Professor Windy Dryden of Goldsmiths University London.